Friday, January 4, 2013

Game Review: Paintball!

  Paintball is a fast paced first person shooter game made by daxter33. The catch? You use paintball guns. This game has been developed and improved upon for a long time, the game itself was made in 2008. With over 13 million visits and nearly 300,000 favorites, this is a game that has been on and is likely to stay on both people's minds and the front page. Even I favorited this game. Before I give everything away, let's get to the review.

   Combat & Weapons: Let me start off by saying that every hit is an insta-kill, which may make or break the game for you. Otherwise, the combat in this game is pretty smooth. To demonstrate and improve upon the type of shooting mechanism daxter uses, Shedletsky made a game called Paintball Brutality, in which you fire an unlimited amount of high speed ammo at other players. In Paintball! you are able to crouch, run, lay down, and throw paint grenades, which makes the combat interest. You have a fair selection of weapons, and you have to reach a certain level to get each. This makes leveling up rewarding, and it's fun to see what your brand new weapon is going to do. The weapons are: The Starter, which fires at a medium speed. You have to click for each shot. It is fairly accurate. Next up is The Shotgun, which fires a spurt of scattered ammo and then reloads for about .75 of a second. (Estimate) You have to click for each shot. Third up we have the rifle, one of my favorites earlier in the game. It is like a starter but its bullets go a bit more powerfully, a better way to put it would be saying they have better range.. You also can shoot faster. Then comes The Burst, which fires a spurt of ammo like a shotgun, but it fires as straight as a rifle. Afterwards is The Sniper, which has the best accuracy, range, and the only scope. The time between shots is much longer. Then there's the Launcher, which shoots grenade like shots that explode on impact. Finally, we have The Automatic. This one fires a wave of shoots for as long as you hold the mouse button, but if you let got it takes a second or two to reload again. That's all the weapons, back to combat. Although the shooting mechanism is pretty good, if it's laggy enough they hand in the air and the game is just unplayable. Still, many games are unplayable with a certain amount of lag. I give the combat and weapons a 7/10.

   The Maps: There are many maps in the game, each unique and fun. Every round the map changes, which keeps the game lively. The look of the maps is great aswell, the was obviously a lot of time put into them. Each features a lot of c-framing, and they all look great for a Roblox game. One of the maps' major problems is wall jumping, a glitch that allows you to jump up the walls. Plus, some maps make it easier for one team, with the flags being closer to one or them having a strategic advantage in some other way. Still the maps look great, they're functional, and you need to pick the perfect weapon to dominate each one. The maps get another 7/10.

   Game Modes: The game modes in this game are great. They're varied, fun, and keep you addicted to the game. A few examples are capture the flag, in which there is a small flag on each side you need to capture, team swap, where when you "tag" people they join your team, or the classic team deathmatch. And who can forget elimination, the one round you don't respawn. The large variety and fun in each game mode really makes the game. All of the game modes are different, and I honestly wouldn't play very often if there was just one game mode. I give the game modes a 9/10.

   Updates: I haven't ever really experienced a bad update in Paintball! It's updated often, and various cool features are added. One update I really enjoy is the paint sentry, which you get after about 8 tags. It fires like an automatic does at people who walk into it's sight. Many of the new maps are the product of updates, and the updates also add to the fun of the game. Still, the game breaks a lot. There is not direct evidence that, but it's likely and most people say that's the reason. For lack of evidence, I won't make this lower the score much. I give the updates and their quantity an 7/10.

   Overall Fun: This game is extremely fun, and for a long time to. The updates, game modes, and maps make it addicting. It puts a twist on your average FPS game, and can provide a lot of fun. Large servers and a high speed connection make the game competitive, especially if everyone else has chat. You have a lot of guns to work for, and they make you want to level up. The maps look great, and the game is just fun. That's all there is too it. I give the overall fun a 8/10.

   Final Score: I pretty much summed it up in overall fun. It's a really good game, and I personally enjoy it a lot, especially when my connection is good. The creator has been putting a lot of effort into it for a long time, and although the servers do break occasionally it's still a fantastic game. I'm level 52, I've put that much time in it. The final score for this game is an 8/10.


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