Thursday, January 24, 2013

Apocalypse Rising: It got shutdown!

  Apocalypse rising, the first game to be reviewed on this website. Apocalypse rising, getting an 8/10 here and a 10/10 from much of Roblox's community. Apocalypse rising, one of the few games you can expect to always see on the front page... has been shutdown! It was only shutdown for a little while, and now v4.0.8 is back in Gusmanak's active places, but it definitely gave the people of Roblox a scare! Gusmanak stated in the description while the game was shutdown, until the Roblox admins update Roblox and fix the games, this will be shutdown. A bit harsh, in my opinion, since the mods have been behind him all the way. But unless the mods fixed all of Roblox overnight, Gusmanak must've regretted his decision, whether for the loss of income, (Unlikely) or just because the huge demand for the game back. We now have it back, but who knows what's in store for Apocalypse Rising?

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